Saturday, May 1, 2010


First of all, BIG kudos to everyone who is participating in the 40-day yoga challenge, currently at Day 31 or so.  Last night, I attended the quarterly Yoga Yoga teacher's meeting and each person talked about our challenge goal as we introduced ourselves.  Most started out with bigger goals, but migrated toward something simple.  Several were working on a daily meditation practice.  My goal started out to either do 10 minutes of meditation daily or three Sun Salutations, but I admit to quickly falling off the bandwagon.  This challenge brought me face-to-face with something that's plagued my practice lately... RESISTANCE. 

Over the past year, I've allowed myself to become more and more stressed because of work (of the Dell variety) and I've moved away from working out at the gym and a regular yoga practice.  Believe me, I've suffered the consequences.  My health has suffered, my memory has suffered and I'm noticing more and more gray hairs.  I've had chronic sleep issues and my eating habits haven't been stellar. 

In January, test results indicated that I have food intolerances to wheat, gluten and baker's yeast.  In shore, I need to steer completely clear of bread and pasta... and I have.  I've shifted my dietary focus to whole, organic foods and find myself craving fruits and vegetables more and more.  Oddly, I don't crave sweets as much as I used to.  I've lost about 4 lbs and (no surprise) feel better.

During the past 31 or so days, I've thought a LOT about yoga.  I've been reading about it, practicing more and mentally preparing myself for the months of advanced teacher training that lie ahead of me.  I have two lovely, cherished friends come over EARLY Tuesday and Thursday mornings to practice with me in my yoga room.  Getting out of bed and walking down the hall has been a serious struggle, but we've made a pact not to bail on each other and everyone agrees that we feel amazing afterward.  This past week, I've practiced every single day and each practice felt like taking a jog in foot-deep mud.  But I showed up.  I celebrated each daily victory of coming to the mat.  Today I felt a big shift and I enjoyed a lighter, stronger practice.

I am infinitely grateful that I have yoga in my life.  I am infinitely grateful for those with whom I share the yogic journey, regardless of their role in mine.  Last night inspired me to stay more consistently on the path, but with a new resolve.  I want to fully surrender to the warm embrace of yoga for the next six months as I pursue my advanced teacher training certification.  I want to get full benefit from this journey and not merely show up.  Who knows what changes are in store... 

Namaste, y'all!

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